August Poetry Postcard Fest

There is less than a day to go before registration opens for this August’s Poetry postcard fest. This involves poets from around the world sending a poetry postcard a day to other poets. It’s been happening since 2007 and I discovered it last year and took part for the first time.

I wrote about my experiences last summer. This year I will be better organised and will have bought more than enough cards in advance. Last year although I had more than thirty cards, I found it difficult to get inspired by some of them. I am also going to go with the flow more and not ever write out a poem in advance in my notebook to check it will fit on the back of the card. The point of the exercise is a spontaneous creation of a poem on the spot each day and not writing carefully crafted poems! I will learn to quell the inner editor as mentioned by David Sherwin on his blog.

And I may see if I can find some postcards of seaside donkeys to add to my stash.

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